Für alle gefrusteten, verzweifelten und hoffnungslosen Schreiber da draußen hab ich ein paar aufmunternde Worte von einem Amerikaner, der ein paar Leuten bekannt sein dürfte. Hier jetzt exklusiv, ungekürzt und kostenlos die Worte des Meisters:
Oh, yes, I have had stories and novels languish for years. This is the fate of the majority of all free-lance fiction writers. However, the electronic publishers are far more open to new writers. I trust you have seen my listing of those at www.hipiers.com. Some do fade, but most seem to be around to stay.
Words to encourage writers who are languishing in the dungeons of anonymity? Keep writing, keep trying the market, because you never can tell when something will connect. I tried for eight years before getting my first story published. Writers, like dogs, sometimes have their day. Even in Germany.
If Schubladenfuller has a web site, I can add it to the Services section of my list. I try to include anything that might help or inspire writers.
Piers Anthony
Also ihr Hunde: Erst wenn ihr euch mindestens acht Jahre lang abgeplagt habt, dürft ihr wirklich anfangen den Mond anzuheulen. ^__^
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